
Abyss Guide


Abyss deck is full of dmg reducers, attack reducers, mana manipulators, power reducers, SoA and SoB’s. This deck lacks higher power like 8 and higher damage like 7.But this deck allows you to win easier. Experience matters the most in this deck.I will not be saying Pros and Cons of 3 and 2 stars as they will have less/no pros and no tips about them.
I also have done a short summary of this clan and Traitors of this clan are in the end too. Hope you guys will find it good to read.
Following are the all cards of the Abyss Clan from leaders to losers and from losers to champions
Xull Ran

Xull Ran is a leader card of this clan as his damage and abilities are awesome. It can be sometimes important for Xull Ran to be used as an attacker.
1.       Nice damage
2.       A very nice bonu but 9 power cards can give him a tough match
3.        Protected to SoB
4.       Not so bad even on level 4 as it can deal with 8 powered cards easily but damage is not so good.
1.       It is not good when played as a defender against a card with SoB ability.
2.       Not so good against Attack manipulators
Things To Remember
 Remember to use this card with sheshko as a win with sheshko and fury with Xuul Ran can 2HKO opponent. It is very helpful even on 3-4 pills. Its bonus is helpful against nearly all cards in the game.If you have him you must use him into this deck. This card can make a difference of 2 power which makes him a kraken of this deck

A much unrated epic. Like other cards of this faction it is too difficult to overcome and can be used without the use of any pills because of his ability.
1.       “”-20 Opp. Attack Min.14”” is a bonus which is very much difficult to overcome.
2.       With his bonus her ability works perfectly fine as 2-3 pills used and still under all cases opp. Will also have to use 3 pills (her ability).
1.       Very low damage for a 5* and also for an epic.
2.       Weak against SoB and also SoA.
3.       No use in the last turn.
4.       Bonus is minimum 14 which mean you should use at least 3 pills.
Things to remember
When using this card think because you opp. Might not be using any pills because of his bonus and you should use it as soon as you get it. Do not wait for anything unless it is SoB or SoA. If you have this card in my opinion use it with Zaarwan , Manamoo and Zeta Sook in other words with mana manipulators deck but still I don’t see space for cards like this as this deck as greater potential than this.

Another highly unrated epic because of good array of other 5*. This card works well with Kaah as double poison is nothing to laugh on and it helps against healing decks like alliance.
1.       This card if used in second turn can do 9 damage on the opponent
2.       Confidence bonus helps him to use fewer pills.
1.        Very bad if his ability is stopped
2.       Bonus starts with confidence whereas it is still not that good.
Things to Remember
As long as I see this card its good but not the best in the last turns. This can help you to get in the upper league but still there are better 5* stars which are better than him but if you want to make a abyss poison deck you must have it.

A very good card , can easily make a difference of 2 power and after winning opp. will lose 2 pills with a damage of 5.
1.       Difference of 2 power is always good.
2.       “”-2 opp. mana”” is ok but when it comes to minimum 1 , he can be used at round 3rd.
3.       7 power + his ability makes him a tough card
4.       He can fight again SoA and SoB
1.       -5 damage for a 5* star is just ok.
Things to Remember
This card is absolute beast at times as he can make a difference of 2 power and also take some mana of the opponent. When this card comes into battle don’t hesitate to use it as I don’t think he can be beaten very much easily. He is even good against alliance and Shadow faction as they have high power and more mana respectively. In my opinion you can use this card in your deck if you want to make a mana manipulators deck.

Zaarwan is a demon against very powerful cards but does not do well against 2* cards. With combination of Impose Power and a great mana manipulator ability allows him to be used with less mana and high damage
1.       Impose Power Allows him to fight against very powerful cards
2.       Taking 3 mana on defeating can be a huge difference for any deck
3.       Nice damage helps him to do a bunch of damage when used with Xuul Ran Like cards.
1.       Like other cards he is bad against SoA
2.       Does not do good against damage reducers.
3.       Also does not do good against Power reducers.
Things to remember
Zaarwan is an epic card but he not good against cards like Sheshko and Xuul Ran that’s why many people leave this card but still it is to be used in a deck without epics. Never put too much pills on him as if you win you will have pills difference that you was to make always go with 3-4 pills with him.

A card know as partner of Xuul Ran. Why?? Because a win with this guy which can be quite easily and then fury with Xuul Ran means a 2HKO combo. Best SoA in this deck.Using his SoA ability and reducing attack bonus can easily take on cards like Alaster, Ann and Alachiaa If he is used as an attacker  or even as defender it can fight with Xuul Ran as well.
1.       One of the few SoA in this deck
2.       -13 attack is OK but when it comes to minimum 6 it means you can bluff him.
3.       7 power and 6 dmg is awesome with his abilities and bonus
4.       Can be used as lower levels
1.        I don’t see a con for you guys in abyss deck
Things to remember
 Remember to use him wisely as 3-4 pills will be enough do not use him in first turns YOU may need a SoA later. If you have him I think you must use him.

Call him Mini Sheshko. Why?  The answer is it is same and better than sheshko at level. Aanilda is card difficult to overcome as she is a SoA +Attack Reducer with health not so bad. A card which is truly useful in some cases
1.       One of the few SoA in this deck
2.       Another Attack reducer with poer not so bad.
3.       Damage is just OK as it is difficult to overcome.
1.       Very predictable as nearly all of the users put 3-4 pills on her.
Things to remember
Remember when using this card see the situation first as this is a match winning and match taking away card. In my opinion 2-3 pills are best in the first round as bonus makes her 3-4 pills. You should use this card as sometimes SoA is all you need but this deck has also equal or better choices for 4*s.
Er Waan

Er Waan is a situational card. Use it in the way you like winning or for losing. Winning helps easier to win whereas losing can stop opponent damage nearly completely. An awesome card for a 4* in my opinion but it has tough competition to other 4*s
1.       Revenge helps this card make a difference of 2 power if opponent has 7 power
2.       -3 opp. dmg is another nice way to stop opponent dmg
3.       Can be used against SoA or SoB as both of his things are good.
1.       Without his Revenge ability its easier for the opponent to win as he will think that you will  be reducing the damage and you will can’t either put many pills as 6 power is not good.
Things to Remember
Try to use Er Waan with his revenge ability as 2-3 pills will be enough and even If you lose opp. dmg will be reduced greatly. But still this card has tough competition but it depends in which type of deck you will use him.

Zeta Sook

A Massive Blocker In the abyss deck. Many people loves to lose against him as winning is not much of use when you know that your damage will  be reduced and pills difference can come at considerably low rate. This gives you an advantage though, using 1-2 pills and you can easily win against any opp. And 5 dmg is not bad for a 4*
1.       Awesome ability and bonus
2.       Opp.  frustration increases
3.       5 damage is good when it is easier to win
1.       Many people know this strategy  so then they use 2-3 pills with a greater dmg like 7 which is reduced to 4 and then difference does not count much
2.       Bad against SoB ( cause it gets way more easier to win)
3.       Bad against SoA ( If damage is not reduced then the difference of pills does not count much)
Things to remember   
This card allows you to hit your opp. in the first two turns and then block them by these awesome cards. It will become difficult for him to use a fury as he will lose 3 pills with that 2 pills with his bonus and if he uses 2 pills itself then it will be total 7 pills and damage will not be that good. This card can also be used in the first turn to win with 2-3 pills to win or to lose to get difference of 3-4 pills which is enough for Xuul Ran and Sheshko to win

A very stable card. As winning will help you  getting pills and losing will make a difference of two pills. If you get it in first turn I recommend you to try to win but If you get it in later turns use his bonus.
1.       +1 mana is not a thing to laugh on
2.        -2 mana helps you to make a pill difference.
3.       It confuses the opponent , will you try to win or to lose???
1.       A disgusting card when played in the last turn as 3 dmg is very bad
Things to Remember
As you know that if you get this card in the first turn use 6-7 pills as you will be recovering them later on and  even if you lose it means that you opponent has use at least +1 pill and when you will lose there will be a difference of 3 pills. If you want to make a mana manipulators deck use it then.

A good SoA which is immune to dmg reducers , can take on easily cards like Zeta Sook , Altragraf , Tisha and others but is of no use against SoB you want a 2HKO deck use this as this card have potential to make a difference of 8 lives with fury.
1.       One of the few SoA in this deck
2.       Immune to dmg reducers
1.       Bad against SoB
2.       Not the best without revenge
3.       Limited use
4.       Not good to be played in the first turn
Things to remember
A  good card but is used less because of better 4* choices and as it cannot be used at first turn cannot fight against SoB like Altragraf. In my opinion do not use it as we have better choices in this factions.

An awesome poison user like fleern but the difference is that has is 4* stars whereas fleern has 5*s. Kaah is a attack reducer whereas fleern needs confidence to do it. If played in First turn this card can go with 8 dmg
1.       Only 4* poison user card in this deck
2.       His bonus allows him to win easily
3.       Not too bad in the 3rd and 4th round as a fury with him can do 7 damage.
1.       Very  Very predictable as nearly everyone uses 5 pills on him
Things to remember
When using this card first see the opp. cards. As cards like Delm can be a trouble for him. Try to not using him as your opp. thinks you will.This card has ability to make it into any deck

Karadan can be either used as an attacker or as a defender it will have been better if he could have his both ability and bonus.  In my opinion it is to be used as a defender and could help us then stop abilities like +3 power etc. In my opinion do not use this card into your deck but Yeah!! But it can be used on level 2.But still I think we still have better choices.

Sofreen is the only SoB till now in this deck so use him if you want to but his 0 dmg is disgusting and his ability can sometimes help him to become a beast but sometime a bad choice. It’s your choice to use this card into your deck but if you do not want too then it’s ok we still have equal/better choices , a very bad card against SoA so never use him against a SoA.

A card which you get when you start the game This card  was must to have in this deck before some cards like sofreen and gaano arrived into the battle field. His revenge bonus cannot be used at time to times and his posion is too not that good as it cannot do dmg after 6 life. Still you should use this card if you want a poison card in your deck.

Erleen is like Sofreen but not too good as him it is very weak against SoB and ability only work with confidence. In my opinion it’s better to use Karadaan / Sofreen than this card. But with confidence it can be a good card as many cards have better abilities than their bonus but still in my opinion DO NOT USE IT.

In my opinion Gaano is the best 3* card in this whole faction as when it reduces the power of the cards to 4 and then reducing their 8 attack becomes very difficult for the opponent to overcome at times but it never good with his confidence ability. But still you can use this card into your deck if you wanted too.


A nice damage reducer if we see with the eyes of 2* cards and reducing bonus allows her opp. to use atleast 1 more pill. You can use this card into your deck if you want a dmg reducer.

A card which I have never see anyone to use as 5/3 is an ok stats for level 2 but his bonus is so much bad that it need to be an attacker. Using this card as attacker will mean to not using cards like Xuul Ran as an attacker so try not to use this card into your deck

Goork is like a mini Oween / Kaah or Fleern but his poison is only good as oween but his bonus allows him to be a good card but if his bonus is stopped then this card will be of no use. In my opinion this deck has better 2*s than this card. But you can try to use him into a poison deck.

Sooko is the best 2* in this deck as he is an SoB and his bonus can take 8 power cards equal to its power and can stop their bonus. In my opinion this is a card must to have in any abyss deck.
Welha Daa

Welha Daa is another cool card of this deck defeating with this card can grant you 2 lifes ( works as a dmg reducer ) and winning will too does not hurt your feelings as you will be able to recover 2 pills. In my opinion this card plays a important role as a 2* in you deck
Traitors of Abyss


Wyztuur is the traitor for this deck. The card would have been a nice addition in this faction but Wyztuur wanted to go to Allaince. He is an Great Power Reducer Which also reduces opp. attack and with is awesome dmg for 3* is a great threat to every card.It has some cons like he is very weak against SoB does ok against cards which have power 9 but still if used at a right time this card can do nice damage to everyone.

Gwalaa another traitor for the abyss clan. He is a good card stopping opp. bonus and reducing their attack can be sometime very harmful. Just imagine a fight between Wyztuur and Gwalaa. Gwalaa will win easily because of her bonus. It is also a nice addition to Allaince clan
Short  Summary  of ABYSS FACTION

5 SoA
3 SoB
Dmg reducers
3 dmg reducers
(Zeta Sook/Estriide/Er Waan)
Power reducers
6 power reducers
(Wyztuur/Xuul Ran/Karadaan/Radoraan/Gaano/Er Waan)
Poison Users
4 posison users
Mana Reductors
5 mana reductors
(Zaarwan/Manamoo/Alachiaa/Radoraan/Zeta Sook)
Attack Reducers
10 attack reducers (Gwalaa/Wyztuur/Alachiaa/Gaano/Kaah/Sheshko/Aanilda/Daneeo/Fleern /Estriide)
2 Traitors (Wuztuur/Gwalaa)
Stars  Summary

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